Essay on importance of English language in modern world.
Essay on importance of English language in modern world.
A language is a powerful tool of communication. The ideas and thoughts are shared and communicated through language. The first global lingua franca is English. It is the international language of communication, business, and technology.
Now a day knowledge of English makes a person literate.
It is one of the most dominating languages in the world. It is spoken as the first language in more than 104 countries of the world. To read more please visit study made fun.
English is a very important language because it is spoken and understood in most countries of the world.
It is a universal and common language in the world. It is the official language of about 52 countries in the world.
It consists of 26 letters and is a very simple and easy language. All children are taught English in school and all subjects except their mother tongue are taught in English.
Nowadays English language and literature are taught more than any other subject. All schools offer English medium classes, out of which good command in English provides many opportunities for teaching in schools and colleges.
It is the official and widely used language of India and many other countries, it is used as a second language in most countries of the world.
It is the major business language in the world. In the global market, all transactions and exchanges take place in English, and thus all the business communities in the world employ employees who are good in English.
English is a hybrid language, it helps to learn and understand other languages of the world. It is a mixture of Latin, French, and German.
Benefits of learning English
One who knows good English can work anywhere in the world because it is the language of science and technology. Those who do not know English cannot use the Internet which is a powerful tool of modern times.
Those who lack English remain devoid of the use of websites in English. When we learn English, we also learn the culture of English people and enrich our culture.
All Indians believe that Hindi is their national language, but